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HYPO is a performance installation about the human being's relationship to their body and the knowledge that it will, inevitably, fail. Possibly right now, maybe as a direct result of the ringing in my ears or that weird bump on my arm. Oh my god, what is that weird bump on my arm? Let me just google that… No, don’t google it. Seriously, don’t google it. Okay, maybe you can google a tiny, tiny part of it, something very specific…oh, god…

In their third collaboration, friends, colleagues and proud hypochondriacs Becka McFadden and Mariia Reshetova process the phenomenon of hypochondria through their own mediums: live performance with a penchant for installation and graphic and video art, most recently influenced by a stint in corporate advertising.

The result is a multidisciplinary immersion into the world of hypochondria. As a source of creative inspiration. As a toxic label in urgent need of rebranding. As full of absurdist humour. As a way of laughing at ourselves. As a proud lineage stretching from Andy Warhol to Marcel Proust to Charlotte Brontë. As a perfectly logical reaction to living in a body that must eventually fail.

HYPO is an artistic processor built out of hypochondria, by hypochondria and for hypochondria and an opportunity for you and your strong, fragile body to spend some quality time together. We'll laugh, perhaps we'll cry, and we might even reach a state of embodied euphoria. Let's see.

Concept, direction: Becka McFadden, Mariia Reshetova

Performed by: Becka McFadden, Mariia Reshetova, Markéta Pščolková
Dramaturgy, directorial consultation: Tomáš Procházka
Technical direction: Filip Obermajer
Scenography and costumes: Martina Zwyrtek, Anna Tichá
Production: Kateřina Kubíková, Adriána Spišáková, Anna Kuřátková
Co-produciton: Venuše ve Švehlovce
The following artists contributed to this work: Anna Belova, AI, Jakub Krejčí, Kateryna Ruzhyna, Daniel Somerville
This project has been created with the support of Art-in-Res / Divadlo na cucky.
This project is realised with financial support from the Capital City of Prague and  je realizován the financial participation of the EU through the National Renewal Plan, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic. 

HYPO is currently in the repertoire of Venuše ve Švehlovce in Prague and is available for touring. 

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