interdisciplinary, contemporary performance

Beautiful Confusion Collective views live performance as a space to slow down, get
reacquainted with presence and experience time differently. Our projects emerge from the
questions we find most pressing, often at the intersection of the individual and a structure, be it
a built space or a social construct in need of interrogation. Movement research, drawing on
practices from dance and theatre, including butoh, choreology and Viewpoints, is at the heart of
our work, but we also draw approaches and inspiration from photography, collage, live art and
sound art. We view our projects as ongoing, multidisciplinary research projects expressed
through performances, installations, site-responsive works and/or digital art. We are currently in
our third season of collaboration with Venuše ve Švehlovce, an independent theatre in Prague
and have worked with a range of partners and festivals across the Czech Republic and in the
UK. Our approach to dramaturgy is both intuitive and rigorous, and informed by felt sense and
embodied reading and writing techniques. We are interested in the liminal, the queer and the
complicated, as well as the personal and the specific, which we understand as means of getting
at the issues that impact us all. With wit and humanity, we try to open space for our spectators
to engage in deep dialogue with themselves.

Barokní procházky / Baroque Walks Trailer

HYPO Trailer

Vertigo Variations, No. 1

Movement/Architecture: Nová Zbrojovka

Black Dress Trailer

Stories of the Present War - Time Lapse

stories of the present war - quarantine service

Movement/Architecture (Prague Creative Center, Prague Quadrennial 2019)
Produkční spolupráce:
Fakturační údaje:
Beautiful Confusion, z.s.
předseda spolku: R. A. McFadden
Čajkovského 1287/2, 130 00 Praha 3
IČ: 19772122